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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeПон Окт 20, 2014 2:06 pm by Elena Gilbert

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeНед Юли 06, 2014 7:13 pm by Stephanie Williams

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeВто Юли 01, 2014 5:56 pm by Elena Gilbert

» everything you say is on fire {vivian&damon}
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeСъб Юни 28, 2014 7:21 am by Vivian Matthews ∞

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeПет Юни 27, 2014 4:33 pm by Gabriel.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeПет Юни 27, 2014 4:29 pm by Gabriel.

» the evolution of a human being [ Johnathan Clermont | Gabriel ]
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeПет Юни 27, 2014 11:02 am by Elena Gilbert

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeЧет Юни 26, 2014 8:55 pm by Rebekah Mikaelson

» but you are my family after all / Niklaus and Tatia
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Icon_minitimeСря Юни 25, 2014 11:58 am by Niklaus Mikaelson


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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 12:32 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_inline_mkedwnZ4J01qz4rgp
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 12:38 pm

Алекс точно теб исках да видя.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_milxauTqVy1rgttlpo1_500

Разбрах, че Флеминг са в града. Какво мислиш?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m5b60fVNwh1r8xhvj
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 12:42 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mhrkzrZNk91r6rkvko1_500
Видях се с тях няколко пъти. Все пак съм свързана с Алек.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mhrk333Da61r00jioo2_r1_500
Щом питаш значи не е нужно да питаш и за другото.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 12:49 pm

Не се и съмнявам, че знаеш все пак с Хенри бяхте доста близки.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mcx95xVwI31rjkb5zo1_500

Е и какво прави с тях? Убеден съм, че двамата с Хенри много сте си липсвали, не е ли така?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Pensativo
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 12:54 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mq06j02uEv1syzjqzo2_400
Той е женен,изневери на мен преди да се оженим,мисля че имаше доста за правене.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mq08ttSxt91r0cjp7o5_250
Ще караме с увъртания или ще си дойдем на въпроса?

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 12:58 pm

Добре. Явно ти няма да ми кажеш сама.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m2361pr9ir1rno8ko

Защо ме мислиш за глупак, Алекс? Мислеше, че няма да разбера? Е, ето ти въпроса: Защо ме нарани така подло, като преспа с този кучи син?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_inline_mkgo752LzJ1qz4rgp
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:00 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mpw3arTSPO1r00jioo1_500
Ами не знам,защо не питаш твоята СЛАБОСТ Катерина? Чух че и тя се е върнала.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mppxbzByMy1syzjqzo2_400
До колкото разбрах не само аз съм с забавлявала с други.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:04 pm

Е това вече не е истина! Да тя ми е слабост, но това е нормално след като съм я обичал нали?! Но не съм се чукал с нея както ти най-нагло направи, веднага след като "оправихме" нашата връзка!
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mi2s1x6ghT1rfoeczo1_500
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:08 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mq06j02uEv1syzjqzo3_400
Нашата връзка никога няма да се оправи именно защото имаме други слабости,вместо самите нас.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mpp1hfFj651ril303o1_500
Сто процента и ти ще преспиш с нея, просто всичко беше обречено още от самото начало.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mpizlwfG1v1r00jioo1_500
Всичко от миналото се повтаря отново и отново и отново.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:14 pm

Не мога да повярвам, че след всичко, което ти причини този мръсник, ти все още го обичаш.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. D0cb444b84ff

Грешал съм за теб, Алекс. Явно предпочиташ да си една от многото му курви..
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. 3157235004_1_60_AN9t0HEI

Само не мога да разбера, защо?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m7xodlCwLm1qipyy2o1_500

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:17 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mp8ffe6mEG1sx9zcuo1_500
Между нас има прекалено дълга история и прекалено дълбоки чувства за да бъдат заличени до край.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mopmro4NeX1s301jso1_500
Ти сам си отговори. Защото изпитвам чувства към него,които ти явно никога няма да можеш да разбереш.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:23 pm

Така е. Няма да разбера, но и не искам.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Katerina-lover-elenas-eyes

Но не това е най-лошото. Знаеш ли кое ме нарани най-много? Това, че излъга за чувствата си към мен. Твърдеше, че ме обичаш, не защото наистина беше така, а защото ценният ти Хенри го нямаше и му търсеше заместник.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m3vdplbaeO1r8inhvo1_500

И аз бях този заместник. Използва ме, а дори нямаш доблеста да го признаеш.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mly6qtM0lq1s1e6aho1_500
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:28 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mokidsfZbL1sok6uso1_400
Наистина мислиш,че съм те излъгала? Че толкова години пропилях заедно с теб,че станах като теб,за да бъда винаги с теб ,е било защото си бил заместник на Хенри?!
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mon1c6PeIP1ru82wio1_500
Тогава си върви. Щом мислиш така ,няма какво повече да си кажем.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_lkdqe5LCCS1qd6b51o1_500

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:33 pm

Тогава? Тогава ти беше с мен, защото Хенри постъпи така подло с теб и ти трябваше подкрепа.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_ml8zyupX1f1s4nmk6o1_500

Никога не си ме обичала истински, Алекс, иначе нямаше да постъпиш така с мен. Признай го. Поне това ми дължиш.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Efea93c500272f625155cfff
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:37 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mojzpwSqbJ1rbvv3ho1_500
Престани да говориш глупости ,за бога! Престани! Чуваш ли се какво говориш?! Заради теб станах вампир! Заради теб се отказах от човешкия живот,които знаеш,че бе скъп за мен! Всичко беше заради теб,а ти ми говориш ,че не съм те обичала истински?!

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:41 pm

По дяволите, нямам предвид това, Алекс! Да, тогава може и да си ме обичала, но това очевидно не важи и за настоящето.
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mkfgvk3AoS1rc3z3ro1_500
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:43 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_moj4vcFizk1s905rio1_500
Щом така смяташ.. няма как да те разубедя.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:47 pm

Защо нима греша?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m5hif4TkWi1r8xhvj
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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Чет Юли 25, 2013 1:53 pm

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_moawniCd381qd4mvdo1_500
Не би могло да бъде възможно,Илайджа Майкълсън е безгрешен.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Пет Юли 26, 2013 9:35 am

Мамка му, Алекс!
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mf9eyvzHyz1rhrnzio1_500
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Древен Вампир.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Пет Юли 26, 2013 9:40 am

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_me7oimbJpx1r81wtbo1_500
Обичам те.. наистина те обичам с цялата си душа! Трябва да ме изслушаш,защото.. защото имам чувството,че ще умра.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Пет Юли 26, 2013 10:06 am

Имам ли избор?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Online
Древен Вампир.
Древен Вампир.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Пет Юли 26, 2013 10:13 am

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mpskc1PfsQ1sz2m63o1_500
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_luhv808XL31qfl54bo1_500
Аз.. осъзнавам,че минах границата.. Знаеш ли.. срещнах се със съпругата му.. И тя е перфектна,толкова мила и.. изглеждаше толкова изтощена.. И осъзнах,че вероятно просто сме влюбени в идеята за миналото..
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m23dpf5E8A1r9e1g7o1_500
Знаех,че Катерина е тук.. и помислих,че ще те изгубя отново.. и знаеш ,че.. винаги,винаги правя неща без да мисля и не исках да бъда наранена.. за това първа се впуснах в.. нещо грешно.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Elijah.♣ Пет Юли 26, 2013 10:20 am

Винаги действаш така импулсивно, нали?
The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_mjeochHSVx1rjjoe5o1_500
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Древен Вампир.

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

Писане by Alex. Пет Юли 26, 2013 10:23 am

The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Tumblr_m71r6u6pay1qdk3c2
Щеше ли обаче да ме обичаш ако бях различна?

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The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more. Empty Re: The more you, put me through,The more it makes me wanna come back to you.The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on,cause you love me, and I love you more.

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